The REAL cost of burnout
It’s more personal than the staggering global numbers

Everyone talks about global and organizational costs of burnout. Forbes recently reported a new study that looked at over 10,000 knowledge workers across seven countries, and found approximately 70% of people experienced burnout in the last year. (Burnout Is A Worldwide Problem: 5 Ways Work Must Change (
Generationally, burnout breaks down this way:
- 84% of Gen Zs
- 74% of Millennials
- 47% of Baby Boomers
By gender, 67% of women in the study report burnout, and 59% of men report burnout.
Organizationally, 63% of employees experience burnout. Sadly, 40% of workers believe burnout is an inevitable part of success.
As staggering and nauseating as these numbers are, no one pays more for burnout than YOU. The real cost of burnout is to the individual.
I know about the personal costs of burnout. I began my career in science and engineering. While I was successful by most measures, I ignored my own needs and a nagging inner voice until, at age 35, a series of crises landed me in full-bore burnout. This cost me my health, marriage, financial standing and career. Eventually I rebuilt my life. I replaced lost relationships. I started over in a new career, which took over ten years to regain the salary I had before I burned out. Burnout cost me everything.
I now know this: Recovering from burnout means reaching for tools all day, every day, for the rest of your life.
Don’t think you can out-WILL or out-RUN burnout–that’s exactly what makes you vulnerable. You can take steps RIGHT NOW to redirect your energies toward more fulfilling work WITHOUT major disruption or loss. I’d like to help you do that. You deserve happiness. Your gifts matter.
This brings us back to the world’s loss, the global costs of burnout. Humans are more than productivity, more than KPIs, more than hourly labor. YOU HAVE A FIRE INSIDE—a unique gift you brought to the planet at this time because we need it. The real cost of burnout is the gifts we don’t get to receive.
I know it’s a LOT to think about tending your internal, eternal flame, especially if it was hard to get out of bed this morning. So start now with this simple check-in: in this moment, what do you know you could do today to give yourself a boost? Do this often enough and, little by little, you will find yourself on the upward spiral.
On behalf of myself and the planet, I thank you for your work to bring your gift. We need you.
Whole-being well-being expert, Liz Garrett, translates scientific and metaphysical principles into PRACTICAL APPLICATION leaders use to change their lives, their relationships, their work and, ultimately, the world.
This is a nice message to keep in mind when we are stuck on the hampster wheel of survival and in pursuit of “success “. It is so easy to forget our gift these days.
Yes, so easy to forget our gifts, especially at this moment in time when we–and the world–needs it most.