Intuitive Coaching using Tarot

In this professionally-guided coaching process, we use archetypal imagery to sneak past the thinking mind and discover what’s lurking in the subconscious…
To gain insight into what might be holding you back,
To discover what can springboard you forward,
To get you in a better space,
To answer your questions,
To gain clarity,
To heal.
Oracle and tarot cards represent Universal Law, energetic principles and archetypal patterns that resonate below consciousness. As powerful tools for self-discovery, they are reflective, not predictive. They are also fun, surprising and–okay, yes!–maybe a little magical.
In this unique Tarot Coaching process, Court Cards are used to quickly check-in on how you are showing up as a leader–impacting others with your presence–and what might support your best self now.

In this 25-minute LIVE SESSION, let your right-brain run wild for a little while. No need to take notes–you can download and listen to your recording later.
In this professionally-guided coaching process, we use archetypal imagery to sneak past the thinking mind and discover what’s lurking in the subconscious. Gain insight into what might be holding you back. Discover what can springboard you forward.

Recognizing we experience 12 energetic seasons with each orbit around the sun, as represented by astrological archetypes, you may choose to check in with “seasonal readings” to find guidance on your journey.
Relax with a cuppa as Liz facilitates a process that uses tarot cards to access and reflect wisdom already available to you–even if you don’t know you know–so that you gain clarity and peace.

Be guided in preparing your question, whether you seek seasonal/astrological insights, a specific issue or opportunity you face, or general guidance. Make the most of your sessions with worksheets that support continued discovery.
What can you expect in a Tarot Coaching Session?
Your link lands you directly on Liz’s calendar to select a time that is convenient for you.
At that time, call into your private session with the intention to access your INNER knowing. Bring a question for specific guidance or receive general direction in an area of your life.
Liz begins by setting a container that invites guidance from your spirit guides, ancestors and angels to support your highest good. She then facilitates a process that uses tarot cards to access and reflect wisdom already available to you–even if you don’t know you know–so that you gain clarity and peace. Just relax and be present to the process. Since your confidential 25-minute session is conducted by Zoom audio (no camera), you can download a recording of your session to listen to later for additional insights.
In a Nutshell…
- Schedule your session immediately, as needed, directly on Liz’s calendar
- A 25-minute live coaching session for $45 (Paypal, credit/debit card accepted)
- Conducted via Zoom audio
- Private recording for you to download and keep
- Guidance for making the most of your Tarot Coaching session
- A proprietary worksheet to help you mine insights during and after your session, and to create a record that informs your continued journey.

Why Liz loves tarot as a personal growth tool: “A friend introduced me to tarot during a really rough time in my life. I was going through a divorce, a career crisis and a health challenge. I could barely hold my head up, much less see a future for myself. The cards gently helped me regain hope, and then clarity, and eventually, clear action. They’ve been a favorite tool for personal reflection ever since.
During the 2020 lockdown, I did readings for friends via zoom ‘just for fun.’ When I saw how instantly and powerfully they offered clarity and guidance, especially when coupled with skillful coaching, I realized they were an untapped powerhouse for transformation.
I began studying and practicing with several teachers, including completing the Hay House Card Reader Certification, and now include tarot and oracle cards in my coaching toolchest.”