Discover the Opposite of Burnout
Save True You from the fire! This book gives you tools and tricks you can use every day to move your life in the direction of your dreams. The world needs the gifts you bring! CRISIS EDITION 2020 provides a strategic plan forward. Get yours on Amazon now.

Intentionology: 365 Days of Living on Purpose
You are more powerful than you know! Imagine shifting your experience instantly by making these inspiring, beautiful intentions your own. Available NOW on Amazon.

Create the HABIT of Living Intentionally
Based in the science of habit formation, this 28-day email course helps you ingrain the habit of invoking intention to improve your work, your relationships, your health, your finances…your life!

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757-715-0370 or
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I'm a cheerleader and guide for True You--your dreams, your gifts, your voice. If you don't bring True You to life, who will?